HalfPics is a Twitter feed pointing to things cut in half like a bowl of ramen, a Mini Cooper, and toothpaste. Their tagline: [Ever wonder what stuff looks like when it’s cut in half?] Yes. We previously posted about [Cut Food,] a photo series of foods cut neatly in half by food photographer Beth Galton and food stylist Charlotte Omnès.
See also:Things Cut in Half Part1...
Ialian artist Federico Mauro latest series takes a look at iconic footwear, and its symbolic representation of the people who wore them. With everything from Steve Jobs’ New Balance 991‘s to the Nike Air Mags sported by Marty McFly in Back to the Future II on show, the minimalist series shows how closely one’s identity can be linked to a single shoe.
See also: Famous Eyeglasses By Federico Mauro / Famous Guns By Federico Mauro...
Lil Bub is a female [perma-kitten] house cat born with several genetic mutations causing dwarfism, polydactylism and disformed lower jaw. Bub rose to fame online after her owner Mike Bridavsky began uploading videos of her to YouTube in November 2011.
See also: Foo-Chan
See also: Grumpy Cat
Ukranian artists Anya Stasenko and Slava Leontyev collaborate to create delightfully quirky and unbelievably detailed miniature porcelain sculptures. Their website offers different views of many of the pieces so that you can see the elaborate paintings on these tiny pieces. I couldn’t stop smiling, always a good sign....
Award-winning director Federico Mauro continues his [Famous…] series with a piece on iconic guns and the characters who toted them. With everything from James Bond’s silenced Walther PPK and Dirty Harry’s legendary Smith & Wesson Model 29 to more obscure models like the Green Hornet’s green gun, this list covers a unique range of the more memorable guns in cinema and pop culture history.
See also:Famous Eyeglasses By Federico Mauro...
Laos, officially the Lao People's Democratic Republic, is a landlocked country in Southeast Asia, bordered by Burma and China to the northwest, Vietnam to the east, Cambodia to the south, and Thailand to the west. Its population was estimated to be around 6.5 million in 2012. A third (33%) of the country's population lives below the international poverty line which means living on less than U.S. $1.25 per day....
A designer with over 20 years of experience in the fields of graphic, fashion, and web design along with an extensive career in illustration and the fine arts. All facets of the visual arts eventually combined and became the key contributers to my career in photography. I specialize in personal, event and wedding photography in the Grand Rapids, MI area and beyond.
Brooke Pennington...
hello! finally I got together all my energy leftovers from the day to write a journal entry... and stright to the point about commission works, yup those are still CLOSED. at this point I'm trying to take more time just to draw and paint for myself ( just like in childhood times haha ). whenever I will feel like opening more personal commission work slots I will definitely let you all know ( just in case I must warn about a little price rise, yup o; ). sooner or later I will open few slots this year!
These animal portraits and painted headdresses by Amy Hamilton are adorably perfect for this time of year. They feel so soft and wintery, and would make amazing notecards for gifts....
Created by artist and unassuming local celebrity, Keith Jennings, the first tree spirit arrived on St. Simons Island in 1982. The old story goes that Keith negotiated his way out of a bar tab, hence, a tree priestess was born behind Murphy’s Tavern, on a blurry Saturday morning. In his own words, however, Keith states that his first tree spirit was created in the back yard of a place called, [The Animal Farm]. Either way, Keith Jennings has been known to cut the rug around here, no matter how you slice it....