Custom silk taffeta butterfly print skirt and corset bodice. Embellished with hand placed Swarovski crystals and black ostrich feathers. Price available upon request...
[These eerie formations in the sky may look like alien ships. But as the Daily Mail points out, they’re actually a natural occurrence called lenticular clouds]. – Claudine Zap. Photo: Lenticular clouds hover of the mountains of the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia. (Photos by Denis Budkov/Caters News)...
Flossis by the artist Rosalie are known far beyond the boundaries of Dьsseldorf, Germany. In this city on the Rhine, the Flossis became famous. Many buildings’ outer walls are decorated with these figures. Flossis by Rosalie come in different variants of small to large and they are popular among young and old. Flossis are made of resin and resist temperatures under -15 degrees. Below that, they should be brought to the warm inside of the building. The currently most sold Flossi, is the [type I] in red, like shown in the following illustration....
Hot Tub Cinema is an experience like no other. Combining relaxing hot tubs, great films and amazing spaces, it is a luxurious event that celebrates film in a fun and engaging way. Attendees can purchase whole tubs to share with friends or buy individual tickets to share with fellow hot tubbers. The tubs are cleaned, refilled and heated before every show. Popping-up throughout the year in London and around the UK, Hot Tub Cinema is also preparing to tour internationally in the near future. During the summer, we takeover rooftops in central London with astounding views across the...
Bryan Berg was introduced to card-stacking by his grandfather at the age of 8. He is a self-taught artist in all of the techniques he uses today. Berg's freestanding card structures are based on a grid-like arrangement, which Berg tested in a structural engineering lab to support 660 lbs per square foot―using no tape, no glue, no folding, and no tricks....
The phenomenon of the Hill of Crosses in northern Lithuania began when people started leaving crosses there hundreds of years ago – and continues to this day. These photos of a hill covered in crosses show the amazing sight it has become. Photo: In 1831 an unsuccessful uprising against the Russian czar left many rebels dead. Relatives of the dead rebels, with no bodies to bury, instead left crosses, according to the Daily Mail. (Photo by Richard Gardner/Rex USA)...
Though finger painting is normally associated with tempera paint and messy classroom art projects, Iris Scott is quickly changing what "finger painting" brings to mind. Wearing surgical gloves and painting with high grade oils, Iris achieves a whirlwind of crisscrossing color strokes and a vibrant impressionistic style. Since 2009, when Iris first began finger painting in Taiwan, her artistic career has caught her by surprise. Grateful for a new global market of online art collectors, Iris has shipped to Dubai, Ireland, and all over the USA....
Such here cows are available in America to sale. To admit, I am a little dumbfounded – never such saw. It cool! (Well – not cows, but bulls; all the same coolly). (Photo by Lautner Farms)...
If you’ve had the unique privilege of witnessing bioluminescent plankton while diving at night, you know firsthand how beautiful the underwater light show can be. For those of us who haven’t experienced it, this unique phenomenon. So what makes this beautiful show possible? In a recent post at online scuba site AquaViews they share some insight we thought you all would find interesting....
Catherine Nelson is a visual artist who uses the digital medium to paint images together into personal and imaginary landscapes. Trained as a painter in Sydney and London and with years of experience in the creation of visual effects for feature films like Moulin Rouge and Harry Potter, she now has dedicated her skills to her own art work combining the techniques from both these worlds into a new contemporary art medium. Her latest series have been exhibited in Australia, New Zealand, China, Korea, USA and Europe and have captivated audiences and art collectors in cities like Sydney,...