Chris Hondros Retrospective Part 1
Author: jone Date: 14 November, Category: Sad, Visits 3322
Chris Hondros, a Getty Images photographer, was fatally wounded on April 20, 2011, in a mortar attack by government forces while covering the civil war in Libya. Hondros' work is woven in our history as he covered everything from politics to marathons. A new film will focus on his life as told through his images. Here's a look at some of his finest and final work. Some of these images are graphic in nature
MONROVIA, LIBERIA - JULY 2003: Joseph Duo, a Liberian militia commander loyal to the government exults after firing a rocket-propelled grenade at rebel forces at a key strategic bridge July 20, 2003 in Monrovia, Liberia.
BAGHDAD, IRAQ - JUNE 2007: An member of the Iraqi military police is seen during patrol June 17, 2007 in the tense Dora neighborhood of Baghdad, Iraq. The Iraqi MPs were on a joint patrol with the US Army's 1st Squad, 4th Cavalry Regiment as part of the "surge" in troops that is now attempting to pacify Baghdad and move the city's warring factions toward political compromise. (Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images)
AJDABIYAH, LIBYA - APRIL 2011: A rebel fighter celebrates as his comrades fire a rocket barrage toward the positions of troops loyal to Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi April 14, 2011 west of Ajdabiyah, Libya. Rebels exchanged artillery and rocket fire with loyalist troops west of Ajdabiyah April 14 as the confict engulfing Libya continued. (Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images)
SHKODER, ALBANIA - MAY 1999: Refugees from the camp in Kukes, Albania, wait on a train to leave the station in Shkoder, Albania for another camp in Durres in southern Albania, May 1999. The trains were decommissioned castoffs with windows edged with broken glass. Hundreds of thousands of Kosovo Albanians were driven from their homes into refugee camps in Macedonia and Albania in 1999 by the Serbian military. (Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images)
NEW YORK CITY, NY - SEPTEMBER 2001: Early morning light hits the smoke and wreckage of the World Trade Center September 13, 2001 in New York City, two days after the twin towers were destroyed when hit by two hijacked passenger jets. (Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images)
SAFWAN, IRAQ - MARCH 2003: U.S. Marine Major Bull Gurfein pulls down a poster of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein March 21, 2003 in Safwan, Iraq. Chaos reigns in southern Iraq as coalition troops continued their offensive to remove Iraq's leader from power. (Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images)
MONROVIA, LIBERIA - JULY 2003: A child Liberian militia soldier loyal to the government walks away from firing on rebel forces across a key bridge while another taunts them July 30, 2003 in Monrovia, Liberia. Sporadic clashes continue between government forces and rebel fighters in the fight for control of Monrovia. (Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images)
MT. HOREB, WI - SEPTEMBER 2004: Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry watches the Green Bay Packers game at a bar September 26, 2004 in Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin. Kerry is planning to stay in Wisconsin for three days as he prepares for the debate against President George W. Bush. (Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images)
MISRATA, LIBYA - APRIL 2011: Foreign workers from Nigeria, Ghana, and other African countries pile in the back of a truck with their belongings trying to leave the besieged city of Misrata April 18, 2011 as the sun sets on the port in Misrata, Libya. Thousands of foreign workers and Libyans alike are trying to leave war-torn Misrata, as fighting continued between Libyan government forces and anti-government rebels. The Libyan government has come under international criticism for using heavy weapons and artillery in its assault on Misrata, which can cause civilian casualties. (Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images)

ORGUNE, AFGHANISTAN - OCTOBER 2009: A prisoner stands in his cell in a crude jail October 13, 2009 in Orgune, Afghanistan. Both local criminals and suspected militants brought in by Afghanistan's powerful National Directorate of Security are housed at the jail, located in the Orgune main police station and government complex. While located in the heart of the tense Pashtun belt of eastern Afghanistan, the town of Orgune has been spared the worst of the violence that has afflicted nearby villages, allowing residents who fled the area during Soviet invasion in the 1980s and civil war in the 1990s to return and rebuilt a semblance of normal life. (Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images)

NASSAR EL AL SALAAM, IRAQ - NOVEMBER 2003: Fearful women and children watch paratroopers in the 1-504th regiment of the 82nd Airborne Division, nicknamed the "Red Devils" raid their house, a suspected militant compound on November 26, 2003 at in Nassar el al Salaam, Iraq. The overnight raid netted two men suspected of militant activities against American forces. (Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images)
NEW YORK CITY, NY - NOVEMBER 2003: Exhausted runners rest at the end of the New York City Marathon in Central Park November 2, 2003 in New York City. Over 30,000 runners from all over the world participated in the annual race, one of most famous marathons in the world. (Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images)
FALLUJAH, IRAQ - JUNE 2005: Marines of the Third Battalion, Fourth Marines, process a detained man June 24, 2005 near Fallujah, Iraq. Marines in the 3/4 launched the midnight raid in the rural suburbs of Fallujah and detained 19 men, the Marines said. (Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images)
FALLUJAH, IRAQ - NOVEMBER 2003: Paratroopers in the 1-504th regiment of the 82nd Airborne Division, nicknamed the "Red Devils" pray before an overnight raid November 25, 2003 at Camp Mercury near Fallujah, Iraq. The overnight raid netted two men suspected of militant activities against American forces. (Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images)
IN FLIGHT - FEBRUARY 2004: Democratic presidential canidate Senator John Kerry (D-MA) plays his guitar February 18, 2004 in flight enroute to Washington, DC.
NEW ORLEANS. LA - SEPTEMBER 2005: A traffic light hangs over floodwaters from Hurricane Katrina September 7, 2005 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The mayor of New Orleans ordered out the remaining holdouts in New Orleans, and said force would be used if neccessary. (Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images)