The series, imagined by French artist Mike Wroebel, depicts Arya Stark, Jon Snow and crew as modern hipsters, donning 20th century ensembles that reflect each of the character's feisty personalities. Our personal favorite? Daenerys Targaryen as a doting ferret owner....
In one of the best collaborations this blog has seen in ages, professional illustrator Mica Angela Hendricks has been collaborating with her 4-year-old daughter on a series of wonderful drawings that pass back and forther between mother and daugher until reaching an always unexpected final form. Each drawing begins with Hendricks drawing a detailed retro-ish head, after which her daughter snatches away the sketchbook to create rudimentary body (or animal!) parts as well as other random details. Afterward Hendricks goes back in to polish things up a bit and behold: dinosaur women, slug...
The blog Terrible TV Art is dedicating to Photoshopping the faces of TV and movie characters to cartoonish proportions.
See also: Terrible TV Art Part2
The blog Terrible TV Art is dedicating to Photoshopping the faces of TV and movie characters to cartoonish proportions.
See also: Terrible TV Art Part1...
This is the best [Breaking Bad] photoshoot ever. Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston photographed on March, 4, 2013 in Albuquerque. Photographer Alexei Hay....
Justin Quinnell made a pinhole camera that he uses to take photos from inside his mouth. I know they’ve been floating around the interenet for a long while buy here they are again!...
99 Steps of Progress is an illustrated series of parodies created by the Paris artist collective known as Maentis that put a clever spin on the famed scientific March of Progress drawing. A new illustration is being released in this series every day for 99 days. T-shirts, prints and more of each design are available to purchase on RedBubble....
New York based artist Jason Freeny slices open pop-culture characters to reveal their insides. He takes vinyl toys of annimated icons such as Stewie Griffin, Nemo and Mario, and stuffs them with Sculpey modelling clay. He then carves out bones aqnd organs using dental tools....
German designer and illustrator Andreas Preis created this awesome series inspired by his childhood heroes from classic TV series and movies...