My backyard squirrels are so entertaining that this set gradually emerged and has given me so much fun. Most recent ones are of "Mr. Peanuts" who lives on the left of my backyard. Mrs P. lives in ten neighbours backyard. Making props, or buying cheapy things to use as props is just as fun. Mr. Peanuts will explore and examine them in his search for peanuts and with somepatience and time I usually manage to get several shots I like. I sure hop nothing ever happens to them because I have grown so fond of them. Thanks for looking and hope they give you as many smiles as they give me.
My backyard squirrels are so entertaining that this set gradually emerged and has given me so much fun. Most recent ones are of "Mr. Peanuts" who lives on the left of my backyard. Mrs P. lives in ten neighbours backyard. Making props, or buying cheapy things to use as props is just as fun. Mr. Peanuts will explore and examine them in his search for peanuts and with somepatience and time I usually manage to get several shots I like. I sure hop nothing ever happens to them because I have grown so fond of them. Thanks for looking and hope they give you as many smiles as they give me.