Mass Stranding of Pilot Whales
Author: alice Date: 14 November, Category: Fact, Visits 2919
[Sixteen pilot whales died when they became stranded at Pittenweem, near St Andrews, on Sunday morning, Forth Coastguard said.
The mammals were part of a group of 26, of which 10 were refloated and returned to sea by vets and more than 50 volunteers from the emergency services and British Divers Marine Life Rescue. The whales were kept cool and hydrated with wet blankets and sheets on the shore.
Vets hope tests on the whales can tell them why they became stranded on the shore. Three of the whales that died were calves. The adult mammals are around 20ft long.
The 10 whales that were refloated have not returned to the shore but the coastguard is keeping watch to ensure they do not get into difficulty again]. –

Emergency service personnel walk near beached whales as they continue in their rescue attempt to save a large number of pilot whales who have beached on September 1, 2012 in Pittenweem, Scotland. A number of whales have died after being stranded on the east coast of Scotland between Anstruther and Pittenweem. (Photo by Jeff J. Mitchell)
Emergency services attempt to rescue a large number of pilot whales who have beached on September 2, 2012 in Pittenweem near St Andrews, Scotland. (Photo by Jeff J. Mitchell)