[Supergirl will save us from the Zombies!] (Photo and caption by Nathan Rupert)...
Bikini-clad women sit as they operate a 3.6 metre-high custom-made female robot at the [Robot Restaurant] in Kabukicho, one of Tokyo's best known red light districts, August 15, 2012. (Photo by Tokyo Scum Brigade)...
An enterprising Chinese man pulls a bicycle cart packed high with bags of recyclable plastic containers in Shanghai July 25, 2002. The man sells each kilogram (2.2 pounds) of plastic for 0.08 yuan ($.01) to a nearby depot. (Photo by Claro Cortes IV/Reuters)...
Photographer Logan Zillmer took this photo of the harvest moon above a corn field as part of his [Traveler] series on Flickr. (Photo by Logan Zillmer)...
[Bodies in urban spaces] is a temporarily intervention in diversified urban architectonical environment. The intention of [bodies in urban spaces] is to point out the urban functional structure and to uncover the restricted movement possibilities and behavior as well as rules and limitations. Photo: [Bodies in Urban Spaces], September 26, 2010. (Photos by Andrew Russeth)...
Beach Policeman, Potomac River, 1922. (Photo by National Photo Company/Colorized by Patty Allison)...
Zhang Jinduo's wife tries on a self-made racing car on the outskirts of Shenyang, Liaoning province May 10, 2008. Zhang, the 53-year-old local farmer made the racing car with the help of his son who is a car mechanic. The car is equipped with a rear-mounted motorcycle engine and can achieve 60-80 km per hour, according to local media. (Photo by Reuters/Stringer)...
Snoopy the Cat (大肥猫宝儿) is one of the most popular cats in the world especially in China. She is an Exotic Shorthair cat with a lovely master that takes pictures of her everyday....
New York City is populated with millions of people that each serve as an essential piece of the city's eclectic pie. The Big Apple's offering of unique and diverse individuals is arguably unmatched. We always hear about what a melting pot this immense metropolis is with its endless supply of quirky characters and the ongoing photo series known as Humans of New York proves it....
Sanaa, Yemen. (Photo by Steve McCurry)...