Girls with Guns (46 Photos)
Author: peter Date: 14 November, Category: Appealing, Visits 39774
[Hired Killer – Last Shot]. (Photo by
[Killer – Freeze!]. (Photo by
Andrea Bronzini)
[Cross]. (Photo by
[Girl with gun]. (Photo by
Gavin and Jason Fox)
[Wicked game]. (Photo by
[Taking Aim]. (Photo by
[Ms. Serious]. (Photo by
Rich Legg)
[Training grounds. Student at a swedish sports high school shows off her biathlon rifle at the shooting range]. (Photo by
Magnus Bergström)
Untitled. (Photo by
Fernando Mafra)
Untitled. (Photo by
Álvaro Hernández)
[Oh, grandmothers, bewares! If you see a girl with a gun in the hands of russian car window, so even with the opening of accounts at the door, then you should not be no doubt - these guests just to you. ;)
Photo Contest with [Pnevmogril-2008] in the village Yanino, Russia. Competition shooting at targets from a moving car]. (Photo and comment by
Aleksey MirruS)
[Send me money to go to California or the fluffy cat gets it!]. (Photo by
Laura D. McBryde)
[Dangerous Girl]. (Photo by
Aisha Al-failichawi)
[You wont fool the children of the revolution]. (Photo by
Andy Teo)
[AR-15 Girl]. (Photo by
Eric Deutchman)
[Gun are not dangerous, people are. Do you believe in gun rights? [A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.]
We’ve all seen in the news, sad events of lunatics firing away at innocent people in public. It makes us wonder if we should have weapons of our own for protection. Recently I’ve heard a lot of debates over whether people should have the right to bear guns (as stated in the second amendment of the U.S. Constitution). Approximately 1 out of 4 Americans own a gun. If we take all the guns away, will it stop the tragedy? Or are we just taking away people’s rights to protect themselves?]. (Photo and comment by
Cynthia Lou)
[Kiss Kiss Bang Bang]. (Photo by
Raquel Van Nice)
[Kids, C'mon home !!!! We'll have a meat for dinner – Nothing bets fresh squirrel!]. (Photo by
Janusz Leszczynski)
Untitled. (Photo by
Nathan Miller)
[Upgrading my zombie buddy]. (Photo by
Keith Jacobs)
[Need some help?]. (Photo by
Acceptable Circle of Confusion)
[Click Click Boom]. (Photo by
Matthew Silverman)
[Shoot Air Force...]. (Photo by
Colonel Killgore)
Untitled. (Photo by
Isai Alvarado)
[Dangerous]. (Photo by
[America]. (Photo by
Ole M. Werner)
[.45]. (Photo by
Kevin Ryan)
[Worldwar24]. (Photo by
Cari Ann Wayman)
[Don't try suicide]. (Photo by
Raffaele Preti)
[Lost in North Korea]. (Photo by
Eric Lafforgue)
[Dangerous Chicks]. (Photo by
[I have a gun]. (Photo by
Trevor Johnsen)
[Angel from hell]. (Photo by
[Hamer girl with gun – Omo Ethiopia. During bull jumping ceremony, Hamer girls act like men, and even more, to show that they do not fear anything. So they drink a lot, and they dance with guns. Very impressive ceremony!
The Hamar is a catlle herder tribe which lives on the Eastern side of the Omo Valley in Southern Ethiopia. Honey collection is their major activity and their cattle is the meaning of their life. There are at least 27 words for the subtle variations of colours and textures of a cattle ! And each man has three names: a human, a goat and a cow name.
The Hamar have very unique rituals such as a bull-leaping ceremony, that a young men has to succeed in order to get married. The cow jumping is an initiation rite of passage for boys coming of age in Hamar tribe. Cows are lined up in a row. The initiate, naked, has to leap on the back of the first cow, then from one bull to another, until he finally reaches the end of the row. He must not fall of the row and must repeat successfully the test four times to have the right to become a husband. While the boys walk on cows, Hamar women accompany him: they jump and sing. Totally committed to their initiated sons, the mothers are whipped to blood, in order to prove their courage and accompany their sons during the test]. (Photo and comment by
Eric Lafforgue)
[Sparami]. (Photo by
Raffaele Preti)
[Bana girl with gun – Omo valley Ethiopia. If you like girls with guns, go south Ethiopia! They are very nice to see! But when you know that they are totally drunk as it is part of a bull jumping ceremony, you feel a little bit unsafe!]. (Photo and comment by
Eric Lafforgue)
[Femme Fatale]. (Photo by
Xavier Stewart)
[Whipped and happy – Hamer girl Ethiopia. You can see the scars she has in the back.
Explanation: The Hamar have very unique rituals such as a bull-leaping ceremony, that a young men has to succeed in order to get married. The cow jumping is an initiation rite of passage for boys coming of age in Hamar tribe. Cows are lined up in a row. The initiate, naked, has to leap on the back of the first cow, then from one bull to another, until he finally reaches the end of the row. He must not fall of the row and must repeat successfully the test four times to have the right to become a husband. While the boys walk on cows, Hamar women accompany him: they jump and sing. Totally committed to their initiated sons, the mothers are whipped to blood, in order to prove their courage and accompany their sons during the test]. (Photo and comment by
Eric Lafforgue)
[Gangstaaaaaaaaa......]. (Photo by
[The sentinel]. (Photo by
Raffaele Preti)
[Aviva and a big gun]. (Photo by
Michelle Karpman)
Untitled. (Photo by
[Bang!]. (Photo by
Sol Vázquez)
[Happy Halloween]. (Photo by
Rusty Parks)
[Bianca]. (Photo by
Cory Johnson)
[Problem?]. (Photo by