World War I: 1914 Year. Part I
Author: jone Date: 14 November, Category: Appealing, Visits 5873
Belgian soldiers make a charge near the River Yser during World War I, circa 1914. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Soldiers collecting dead comrades from battlefields. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Civilians watch as troops practice amongst a convoy of ambulances at Pilthey. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
German soldiers marching to the front during the first World War. A woman helps one man with his pack. (Photo by Three Lions/Getty Images)
A lone soldier with a bicycle stands amid the remains of a German motor convoy which lines a country lane after an attack by French field guns in the battle of the Aisne in France. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Members of the London Scottish Regiment undertake rifle drill. The London Scottish Regiment was formed by Lord Elcho, 10th Earl of Wemyss, in 1859 as the London Scottish Rifle Volunteers. They are affiliated to the Gordon Highlanders and wear the Elcho tartan (Hodden Grey). (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
A Serbian soldier of to the front is accompanied to the station by his wife. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Soldiers, including two recruits who have brought some chickens, at Victoria prepare to board the train for the battle front. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
A British soldier says goodbye to his family before leaving for the war. (Photo by F. J. Mortimer/Getty Images)
A soldier with flowers on his helmet and equipment on his back prepares for departure during the mobilization of German forces. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Camouflage netting, wire netting covered with sacking or other material toning with the street, and stretched from house to house, render the two German soldiers invisible to aerial observers. This form of aerial camouflage was widely used by both sides during the Great War. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Russian cossacks on the march. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
A French air-torpedo being fired from the trenches. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Soldiers accompanied by their wives and girlfriends on the march during the mobilization of German forces. (Photo by Picture Post/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
German army Reservists waving and cheering as they rush to join. (Photo by Three Lions/Getty Images)
New recruits march alongside armed officers following the outbreak of the First World War. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
A group of new recruits in training for service in the British Army during World War I. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)
Members of the Territorial army having a meal outside Somerset House, London. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
British and Japanese officers stand by a Japanese flag flying over a wrecked German gun after the siege of Tsingtao. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
German and Russian troops in a neutral area during a concert by a German military band. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
German soldiers in the trenches during WWI. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Russian generals and troops in WWI. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
German officers discussing the possibility of sending an airman of the 1st Army Corps to spy out enemy forces. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)